This is never good…

Good afternoon,

My son Casey was driving home from work last night then he pulled over and called me.  He said “there’s steam coming from the engine”.  His truck was starting to overheat, and it was 30 degrees out!  Not good.

We got him home, and there was radiator fluid now leaking out of the engine compartment.  Obviously we had a leak in there somewhere.

I was able to to a little troubleshooting today:


He’s got a bad radiator.  It’s leaking from the top seal and just blowing all of the coolant out.  Super sweet.  So this morning I had to get him into the office, and tomorrow he will be most likely borrowing my truck to get to work again unless I get myself out of bed on a Saturday to take him in…I’ll probably opt to stay at the house 😉

So now we are down to “when” we will install this beauty.  When is a good time to work on a 2002 Toyota Tundra in sub-freezing temperatures?  There’s not a lot of good answers here; but you can be certain that we will be working on this project when Casey has his next day off!

Guess what buddy, you’re going to learn how to install a radiator this weekend!  How does Sunday sound?

So if you’re looking for me, I won’t be in the office this Sunday even though we are open.  I’ll be in the garage neck deep in anti-freeze and rusty bolts.  Wish me luck!

Have a good weekend, and good luck to you if you’re doing any auto repairs.  I’ll be with you in spirit.
