Happy 16th Birthday Casey!

Hello all, this is a quick personal blog that I just had to get out there. My son, Casey, turned 16 years old today. Yes, that dates me a bit but to me it’s a proud day to see my baby boy (take “baby” lightly – he has a size 14 shoe!) start to become a man.

As you would have expected, I had to stop him on his way out of the house this morning and take a few pics. None of his friends were around so he wasn’t embarrassed…much.

Casey Arter

I gave him a small present this morning and followed him outside. Today is a HUGE day, and he gets to drive all by himself, wherever he wants!


To me, the 16th birthday – “sweet 16” – is different for boys than it is for girls. My daughter wanted a party with friends, balloons and cake. My son on the other hand wants to get in his car and drive.


I think the freedom is the key to a boys 16th birthday. Don’t worry – he’s on a short leash and he’s been instructed to come by my office directly after school today. But for now, I could only simply watch him leave the house on his own. Like watching a baby bird leave the nest for the first time. It brought a tear to my eye today.

Ok enough of that sappy parenting stuff. Good luck Casey and Happy Birthday.

Have a great January 8th everyone!
